We have developed our own specialist Functional Safety and Systems Safety Engineering team who have a diverse experience of functional safety and system safety. This experience has developed from application in various industries including Oil & Gas, Mining, Air Traffic Management, Nuclear Defence and Railway Systems.
The Functional Safety team specialise in the application of national and international system safety and machine safety standards and the relevant hazard identification, risk assessment and verification and validation techniques recommended by those standards. We can provide full management and audit of the functional safety life cycle.
We have specific experience in the use of industry standards including, but not limited to, the following:
IEC61508 - Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems
IEC61511 - Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector
AS4024 - Safety of Machinery (series)
IEC62061 - Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems
ISO13849 - Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems
ISO12100 - Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and risk reduction
Using the process hazard analysis combined with risk assessment tools at the core of our business (i.e. PHA, HAZOP, etc), our team also has experience in applying the following techniques/disciplines across a range of projects:
Risk Graph Analysis
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Alarm Rationalisation Management (ARM)
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assessment, Verification & Validation
Functional Safety Life Cycle Management
System and Safety Requirements Specification (SRS/SSRS) (including software applications)
Functional Safety is a discipline requiring specific knowledge and training, and our personnel have a range of engineering and scientific qualifications which assures our clients that we use up-to-date, best-practice techniques and skills. These qualifications include:
TÜV Functional Safety Engineer (TÜV Rheinland)
Certified Functional Safety Expert (Exida)
Certified Machine Safety Expert (TÜV Nord)
Layer of Protection Analysis (IChemE)
HAZOP/CHAZOP (IChemE, ICI/Orica, Advantica)